Fox Valley Committees
Committees are typically overseen by designated board members. Many of them are ongoing, but as issues arise that might affect the neighborhood committees will be created to keep an eye on the them while they are an issue. For more information about any of these committees contact the email address specified, look up the contact info of the committee chair in the directory to contact them directly, or email [email protected].
Architectural Review Committee

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) was established in 1996 with the purpose of becoming familiar with the covenants of our community, to be a resource regarding the covenants, to develop a system for the review and approval of homeowners’ projects which are subject to the covenants and to recommend acceptable uses of common areas to the Board.
The ARC has a role in any outside improvements that you are making to your home in accordance with the covenants. This includes but is not limited to:
To submit a request to the ARC:
The ARC has a role in any outside improvements that you are making to your home in accordance with the covenants. This includes but is not limited to:
- Landscaping
- Decking
- Satellite Dishes
- Fencing
- Home/garage additions
- Exterior painting which includes front door color changes, shutters, trim, etc.
- Sheds or other outdoor structures
- Driveway extensions
- Basketball poles & Sport courts
To submit a request to the ARC:
- Click the button below.
- Once you log in, in your "Dashboard", click on the link to "Submit a New Request"
- Then click on the link for "ARC Request"
Book Club

The purpose of The Fox Valley Book Club is to read and enjoy literature. It is managed and facilitated by one chairperson and one co-chairperson. They hold one organizational meeting per year to determine the following: How often we will read books and meeting dates, Book Titles, Hosts and Field trips. Frequency of meeting changes annually as determined by the members. At the Organizational Meeting members are encouraged to come prepared with book titles to submit. We select at least one field trip per year based on material read.
Communications & Technology
The purpose of this group is to coordinate the communications via technology to our Fox Valley Neighborhood, including the official Fox Valley HOA email, google group email, directory and website.
Official Fox Valley HOA EMail:
Emails sent from the FVHOA, from the email address: [email protected], to the members of our neighborhood. All official neighborhood news and information will be issued via the official FVHOA email. If you need to update your email address or have questions about this, simply send an email to: [email protected].
Google Group Email:
Emails sent from a neighbor to a large neighborhood email list to informally communicate. With this email list, you can do things like:
• Notifications (baseball/lacrosse sign-up deadlines, school booster events, new local restaurant or store opening, etc.)
• Invitations (happy hours, golf outings, poker nights, ladies nights, morning coffee, lunches, etc.)
• Event Planning (ideas for the next social event or community service project, call for organizers and helpers, etc.)
• Resources and Services (lost/found pets, babysitters/pet-sitters, recommendations for pediatricians, auto service, restaurants, etc.)
• Opportunities (Garage sales, available tickets to sporting events, free fire wood, clothing donations, etc)
The neighborhood email list/google group is only open to residents in Fox Valley. To be added to this email list, contact: [email protected]
Neighborhood Directory
The neighborhood directory is provided to new neighbors in their welcome packet. Updates will be issued periodically. The directory is only available to Fox Valley residents. The directory includes: one-page phone number summary, full directory listing, neighborhood map labeled with resident last names, list of neighborhood pets (for lost and found), and list of babysitting/housesitting/petsitting services. If you are a resident, for the latest copy you can contact: [email protected]. If you are a new neighbor or need to update your directory information, you can do so at any time by using this link: (or click the button below). If you are a neighbor in Fox Valley and you participated in the directory, you can get the latest password protected version by clicking the button below.
Official Fox Valley HOA EMail:
Emails sent from the FVHOA, from the email address: [email protected], to the members of our neighborhood. All official neighborhood news and information will be issued via the official FVHOA email. If you need to update your email address or have questions about this, simply send an email to: [email protected].
Google Group Email:
Emails sent from a neighbor to a large neighborhood email list to informally communicate. With this email list, you can do things like:
• Notifications (baseball/lacrosse sign-up deadlines, school booster events, new local restaurant or store opening, etc.)
• Invitations (happy hours, golf outings, poker nights, ladies nights, morning coffee, lunches, etc.)
• Event Planning (ideas for the next social event or community service project, call for organizers and helpers, etc.)
• Resources and Services (lost/found pets, babysitters/pet-sitters, recommendations for pediatricians, auto service, restaurants, etc.)
• Opportunities (Garage sales, available tickets to sporting events, free fire wood, clothing donations, etc)
The neighborhood email list/google group is only open to residents in Fox Valley. To be added to this email list, contact: [email protected]
Neighborhood Directory
The neighborhood directory is provided to new neighbors in their welcome packet. Updates will be issued periodically. The directory is only available to Fox Valley residents. The directory includes: one-page phone number summary, full directory listing, neighborhood map labeled with resident last names, list of neighborhood pets (for lost and found), and list of babysitting/housesitting/petsitting services. If you are a resident, for the latest copy you can contact: [email protected]. If you are a new neighbor or need to update your directory information, you can do so at any time by using this link: (or click the button below). If you are a neighbor in Fox Valley and you participated in the directory, you can get the latest password protected version by clicking the button below.
The website is primarily setup for potential new neighbors, although it has a lot of information and links that might be helpful for current residents too. If you have any feedback/comments/changes please contact: [email protected]. If you have pictures from the neighborhood of scenes or events please send them to the same email address so we can consider including them on the website!
The website is primarily setup for potential new neighbors, although it has a lot of information and links that might be helpful for current residents too. If you have any feedback/comments/changes please contact: [email protected]. If you have pictures from the neighborhood of scenes or events please send them to the same email address so we can consider including them on the website!
Helping Hands

Based on Neighborhood interest and input, worthy charities are selected that engage a cross section of community members. We also encourage participation from the neighborhood teens for completion of needed service hours through our sponsored activities. Examples of completed Helping Hands programs include: yearly Earth Day cleanup of our neighborhood; yearly coverage of a full day of bell ringing for the Salvation Army Kettle Drive; collection of holiday gifts for needy families; food for local pantries; school supplies for Howard County Prepare for Success; used athletic shoes for the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe Program; and pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House to name a few. Everyone is invited to participate!
Landscape & Pool Committee

Services are bid out when our contracts expire. The committee makes sure contracts are adhered to.
For any questions about Fox Valley landscaping, please contact Larry Diamond.
The official "Pool Rules & Regulations" that apply to all home owners that make use of our community pool can be read by clicking on the button below. We appreciate your cooperation in reading these guidelines!!
* Please remember that kids 12 and under need to be supervised by someone 16 years or older.
The pool is available to HOA members for rental for private parties any Tuesday during the pool season, when it is otherwise closed to the community. If Tuesday falls on a holiday (e.g., July 4th) it will not be available for rental because it is open to the community. A lifeguard for the event is required and arrangements for a guard must be made through DRD Pool Management. Members must make the arrangements directly with DRD for a lifeguard and pay DRD for the guard's time.
If you have any questions about the pool, please contact Kathy Girling or Jenna Beigel.
For any questions about Fox Valley landscaping, please contact Larry Diamond.
The official "Pool Rules & Regulations" that apply to all home owners that make use of our community pool can be read by clicking on the button below. We appreciate your cooperation in reading these guidelines!!
* Please remember that kids 12 and under need to be supervised by someone 16 years or older.
The pool is available to HOA members for rental for private parties any Tuesday during the pool season, when it is otherwise closed to the community. If Tuesday falls on a holiday (e.g., July 4th) it will not be available for rental because it is open to the community. A lifeguard for the event is required and arrangements for a guard must be made through DRD Pool Management. Members must make the arrangements directly with DRD for a lifeguard and pay DRD for the guard's time.
If you have any questions about the pool, please contact Kathy Girling or Jenna Beigel.
Regular Pool Hours:
The pool is open from the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, through and including Labor Day.
The pool is open from the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, through and including Labor Day.
- 10am-7pm: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday (closed Tuesdays)
- 10am-8pm: Fridays, Saturdays & Holidays
- From Memorial Day through the last day public schools are open, the pool is open on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays ONLY and follows the hours noted above (i.e. closed on non-holiday weekdays). The day after Howard County Public Schools close for the summer, full regular summer hours commence.
- When public school opens prior to labor day, the pool is not open during the weekdays (open weekends and holidays only).
- Should a holiday fall on a Tuesday when the pool is scheduled to be closed, the pool will be open on the holiday and closed on Wednesday.
PickleballInterested to join your neighbors at Drop-In Pickleball on our neighborhood court? Contact Pam Bianco for more information.
Social Committee

Fox Valley has earned a reputation for being a close knit and caring community. A key to this has been an active social committee supported by many neighbors over the years. An example of a few activities are the Summer Family Party, Fall Chili Cook off, Spring Egg Hunt, Happy Hours and many other planned venues. There are also sub committees that are open to the neighborhood including the book club, new neighbor welcome and helping hands (refer to their entries in this section for more information). These events and groups do not happen on their own and appreciate the time and support of many of our neighbors in making these happen. The Social committee (including its sub committees) are always looking for volunteers! If you have any questions, please contact Jenna Beigel.
Welcoming Committee

We will provide new neighbors with a welcome package that will include the following:
- Fox Valley neighborhood directory
- List of neighborhood activities
- Pool hours
- List of neighborhood committees that can be joined
- A form to fill out so they can be added to the directory
- Bottle of wine
- Home baked goods