Fox Valley Home Owners Association (FVHOA)
The FVHOA Board oversees each committee listed on the "Committees" Tab, manages the budget and finances, and keeps an eye on issues that might be outside of neighborhood but might affect it (crime sprees, cell towers, Maryland 32 etc). The Board meets quarterly and meetings are open to the residents of Fox Valley. The annual meeting takes place each November and at these meetings there will be elections, fiscal budget review, committee updates and an owner's forum.
Of the 112 homes in our neighborhood, 100 of them are part of the legal entity known as Fox Valley Estates. FVHOA homes are subject to FVHOA fees, and have access to the pool, tennis courts and other FVHOA amenities.
If you would have questions about the neighborhood and want to contact someone from the FVHOA Board, then the best way to contact them is to email [email protected]. This email is linked to the button below.
Of the 112 homes in our neighborhood, 100 of them are part of the legal entity known as Fox Valley Estates. FVHOA homes are subject to FVHOA fees, and have access to the pool, tennis courts and other FVHOA amenities.
If you would have questions about the neighborhood and want to contact someone from the FVHOA Board, then the best way to contact them is to email [email protected]. This email is linked to the button below.
- President: Rick Gezelle
- Vice President: Pam Bianco
- Treasurer: Matt Towle
- Secretary: Kiran Jasthi
- Members at Large: Erin Edwards, Jenna Beigel
Quarterly HOA Fee Payments
You can pay your quarterly HOA fee in one of two ways:
FVHOA Annual Meeting Minutes
If you want a copy of the Fox Valley Estates HOA Annual Meeting Minutes or Financials, please contact one of the Board Members.
Property Management Company
Our community has hired the services of a professional property management company, Residential Realty. Please contact them at: (Note: their office and address has changed as of March 23, 2022)
Charlene Morazzani or Lexi Little
[email protected]
By living in Fox Valley and being part of the Fox Valley Homeowner's Association, we are subject to the Covenants (By-Laws). It is Maryland law for a seller to provide a buyer with a resale package which contains these Governing Documents, so everyone should have received them at the time of purchase. To view the most up to date copy of the Covenant, please contact the Property Management Company or view them on their online website (which you have access to once you live in the neighborhood). For your convenience, a (text searchable) copy can be found by clicking the button below (but check the prior sources for any updates).
You can pay your quarterly HOA fee in one of two ways:
- Via the HOA Portal (CLICK HERE to be transferred to the HOA Portal)
- By mailing a check to:
Fox Valley HOA
PO Box 30121
Tampa, Florida 33630
FVHOA Annual Meeting Minutes
If you want a copy of the Fox Valley Estates HOA Annual Meeting Minutes or Financials, please contact one of the Board Members.
Property Management Company
Our community has hired the services of a professional property management company, Residential Realty. Please contact them at: (Note: their office and address has changed as of March 23, 2022)
Charlene Morazzani or Lexi Little
[email protected]
By living in Fox Valley and being part of the Fox Valley Homeowner's Association, we are subject to the Covenants (By-Laws). It is Maryland law for a seller to provide a buyer with a resale package which contains these Governing Documents, so everyone should have received them at the time of purchase. To view the most up to date copy of the Covenant, please contact the Property Management Company or view them on their online website (which you have access to once you live in the neighborhood). For your convenience, a (text searchable) copy can be found by clicking the button below (but check the prior sources for any updates).
Vantaca HOA Portal (updated from SenEarthCo on 3/15/23)
As a supplement to the Fox Valley website and emails, this website (managed by our property management company Residential Realty) will provide billing information, electronic access to all HOA documents (e.g. ARC application), and push out meeting notices (e.g. annual HOA meeting). Each homeowner needs to login to the website and if they wish to to have access to this system.
If you are logging into the website and are having trouble (whether this is your first time logging in or not), click on "I forgot my login/password" and you will be sent an email with login information. Please contact Marie Doering at Residential Realty (410-654-4444) if you have questions or need assistance initiating the new communication system. You can access this website by clicking the button below.
As a supplement to the Fox Valley website and emails, this website (managed by our property management company Residential Realty) will provide billing information, electronic access to all HOA documents (e.g. ARC application), and push out meeting notices (e.g. annual HOA meeting). Each homeowner needs to login to the website and if they wish to to have access to this system.
If you are logging into the website and are having trouble (whether this is your first time logging in or not), click on "I forgot my login/password" and you will be sent an email with login information. Please contact Marie Doering at Residential Realty (410-654-4444) if you have questions or need assistance initiating the new communication system. You can access this website by clicking the button below.